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Affichage des articles du 2018

murdering of mariama kallo

It is a sad memory that remains engraved in the memories of the inhabitants of the city of Friendship, in Montreuil in France. As they moved towards the end of 2017, Mariama Kallo, a 32-year-old woman, was coldly murdered by her husband. Local media reports that her husband had stabbed her 23 times before defenestering her from the fourth floor of their apartment. Originally from Guinea Conakry, Mariama was described as a young woman beating in the neighborhood: "On Friday morning, the day of her death, she called several people from the family. She said to us, "He will kill me". As if she knew it was going to happen, "these words are from Nene Aye Bayo, the victim's aunt. Mother of a two-and-a-half-year-old child, Mariama Kallo had been in danger with her husband for several months. She was the victim of repeated beatings. The young woman had been hospitalized with wounds to the nose and forehead in November 2017, but refused to file a complaint. On the nigh

law again ethiopian children adoption

the House of Representatives passed a law earlier this week prohibiting foreign families from adopting Ethiopian children, said the spokesman of the Ethiopian Ministry of Women, Children and Youth. The Ethiopian authorities had already suspended adoptions in April 2017. This decision was taken in order to put an end to various crimes against minors. Children adopted by foreign families in the past have been exposed to "various crimes and the social crisis in the country where they grew up," said the spokesmanAdvertising In 2013, an American couple was convicted of the death of their 13-year-old daughter, who had been adopted in Ethiopia. Hana Williams died in 2011 of "hypothermia after she had to stay under the cold during a rainy night". Hana's mother was found guilty of first degree murder, while her father was convicted of manslaughter. Ethiopia is one of the most popular countries for adoptions. Since 1999, more than 15,000 adopted children have come from E